Tony Curtis

Executive Director, Metropolitan Housing Coalition

Tony Curtis

Executive Director, Metropolitan Housing Coalition

Tony Curtis serves as the executive director of Metropolitan Housing Coalition (MHC), a Louisville based coalition formed in 1989. Consisting of 300 members and counting, MHC facilitates research-based advocacy for fair, accessible and attainable housing throughout Louisville.

Curtis was named executive director in January 2022 after serving as the director of development and communications for more than three years. Curtis plays an integral role in all aspects of agency fundraising, advocacy, programs and operations.

As executive director, Curtis has a vision to lead the coalition in their mission to advocate and educate across the community to eliminate all barriers to housing.

Curtis earned a Master of Arts degree from Marshall University, is a proud Morehead State University alum with a Bachelor of Arts degree and holds a Certificate in Fund Raising Management from Indiana University.

For more information about Curtis and the work of Metropolitan Housing Coalition, visit

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