By Nicole Childress, Building Kentucky

The Best Places to Work in Kentucky is an annual awards program that recognizes the best employers in the Commonwealth. On March 4, the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, the Kentucky Society for Human Resource Management, and ClearPath Mutual Insurance Company released this year’s list of 100 companies.

Companies fell into either small (15 to 149 employees), medium (150 to 499 employees), or large (500+ employees) categories. However, the employers’ rankings will not be announced until the awards dinner June 17, 2021 at the Central Bank Center in Lexington.
To be featured on the list, companies must register and undergo an assessment process. Employers are evaluated based on an employer questionnaire and employee survey. The questionnaire gathers information about company policies, practices, and demographics and is worth 25% of the overall score. The survey evaluates employee engagement and satisfaction and is worth 75% of the score. Results are analyzed based on eight focus areas: leadership and planning; corporate culture and communication; role satisfaction; work environment; relationship with supervisor; training, development, and resources; pay and benefits; and overall engagement.
You can read more about Best Places to Work and the selection process here.
Some industries featured in the list included manufacturing, construction, healthcare, and banking.
Republic Bank, Central Bank, and L&N Federal Credit Union were among the recognized best places to work in the state. Each of these financial institutions were a part of a banking partnership which helped fund a track and field facility in the West End this year.
Led by Republic Bank, nine community banks came together to fill funding gap for the new Norton Healthcare Sports & Learning Center. Back row: Chris Brown, L&N Federal Credit Union; James “Ja” Hillebrand, Stock Yards Bank & Trust; John Key, Commonwealth Bank; Stephanie Renner, Limestone Bank; Josh Barrick, WesBanco. Front row: Steve Trager, Republic Bank & Trust Company; Zachary Johnson, Liberty Bank; Sadiqa Reynolds, Louisville Urban League; Frank Wilson, Wilson & Muir Bank & Trust Co.

Best Place To Work In Kentucky 2021
All Star Purchasing
Alpha Business Acquisitions, Inc.
Associations International
Bim Group
BUDGET For The People
Clay Ingels Co. LLC
Connected Nation
Copperhead Environmental Consulting, INC.
Delta Dental of Kentucky, Inc.
FNB Bank
Forcht Broadcasting
Hardin County Water District No. 1
Kerr-Greulich Engineers
KLH Engineers
Marine Solutions, Inc.
Massage Envy Lexington
Metro United Way, Inc.
MiddleGround Capital
Middleton Reutlinger
NetGain Technologies, LLC
Peel & Holland, Inc.
Rajant Corporation
Strategic Marketing
Strothman and Company
Town & Country Bank and Trust Company
Tri-Arrows Aluminum Inc.
United States Hunter Jumper Association
Venminder, Inc.
Victory Mortgage
Ward, Hocker & Thornton, PLLC
Wehr Constructors, Inc.
AE Electrical Solutions
Associates in Pediatric Therapy LLC
Blue & Co., LLC
Columbia Gas of Kentucky
Commonwealth Credit Union
Community Financial Services Bank
Dean Dorton
Forcht Bank
Independence Bank
KECH, Inc.
KEEN Footwear
Kentucky Bank
Kentucky Lottery Corporation
L&N Federal Credit Union
Limestone Bank
LockNet LLC
Louisville Tile Distributors
MCM CPAs & Advisors LLP
Park Community Credit Union
Shepherd Insurance
Southcentral Kentucky Community & Technical College
Stites & Harbison, PLLC
UofL Health – Shelbyville Hospital
Winterwood Inc.
Appriss, Inc
Bastian Solutions
Bluegrass Care Navigators
Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc.
Central Bank & Trust Co.
CHI Saint Joseph Health, Saint
Joseph London
Edward Jones
Envoy Mortgage, Ltd.
Farm Credit Mid-America
Fischer Homes
Galen College of Nursing
ISCO Industries
Jack Henry & Associates
Kentucky American Water
Kentucky Power Company
Long John Silver’s, LLC
Neustar Inc.
Republic Bank
Rockcastle Regional Hospital and Respiratory Care Center
Senture, LLC
Signature HealthCARE Consulting Services
Steptoe & Johnson PLLC
Total Quality Logistics
V-Soft Consulting