What’s the best city for coffee lovers in Kentucky? Mandoe picks Louisville

By Quin Welch, Building Kentucky

There’s nothing like a hot cup of coffee – or an ice-cold latte – to kickstart your morning. And according to Mandoe, a digital signage company, Louisville is one of the best cities in the country for coffee.

Louisville ranked No. 1 in the United States for best-value coffee, with the average cost of a medium latte coming in at $3.92. That compares quite favorably to a city like San Diego, California, where a medium latte will cost you an average of $4.96. Additionally, Louisville ranked No. 4 for customer reviews and No. 11 best choice and availability, giving Louisville the highest combined rating of all.

Customers in Louisville seem quite satisfied with the level of service and quality they receive at local coffee shops, with over 93% of customers rating their experience as “excellent.” 

Two favorites mentioned in the article were Fante’s Coffee, situated next to Cherokee Park, and Quill’s Coffee, founded in 2007 by two coffee-loving brothers.

Easy access to good coffee is important for coffee-lovers, and you won’t have to go far to find a coffee shop if you’re in Louisville. There’s one independent coffee shop for every 4,364 Louisville residents. 

Check out the full report from Mandoe here.

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