The Mountain Parkway Expansion’s website has a fresh, new look, after receiving a design update at the end of July.

Visitors who view the website will be greeted with a new design and a clean, modern layout. The Parkway’s website has been updated to be simple to navigate, making it easier for readers to find the information they need as they move from page to page.
Each page has also been designed to be more visually engaging, including more photos, maps, and links to previous press releases that detail the history of work on the project.
The Mountain Parkway Expansion is dedicated to building safer, more modernized roads to transport Kentuckians. Just like their commitment to improving the quality of Kentucky infrastructure, the Mountain Parkway Expansion team is equally committed to keeping Kentuckians informed on the latest traffic changes, project updates, and benefits the project will bring to the Commonwealth.

Visit to check out the refreshing new site for yourselves.