Study shows demand for Kentucky engineers

The Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) says Kentucky needs more engineers. A recent study projected that engineering jobs will increase more than 11.2% in Kentucky by 2029, outpacing the national average and driving the need for more college degrees.

Engineering occupations are on the rise. CPE expects demand for approximately 3,000 more professionals in engineering-related fields in 10 years.

CPE worked with analytics firm Emsi to analyze economic and workforce trends and determine if the number of graduates is meeting demand for engineers in the Kentucky economy. The report showed manufacturing, engineering technology, industrial engineering and civil engineering are expected to drive much of the coming job growth and demand.

Researchers found that more than half of Kentucky engineering program alumni stay in the state, which is higher than other states. Kentucky wages have improved over the past decade and are more competitive to the states where engineering alumni are moving.

The full report can be accessed at

— Rachel Nix

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