By Lilli Dubler, Building Kentucky

Music Director Teddy Abrams and members of the Louisville Orchestra concluded the May leg of “In Harmony – The Commonwealth Tour of the Louisville Orchestra” with performances in Prestonsburg, Pikeville and Harlan.
The performances celebrated the Commonwealth and were arranged by Kentucky native composer Valerie Coleman, composer-in-residence Lisa Bielawa and Harlan’s own Lindsey Branson. The shows also featured Richmond native superstar violinist Tessa Lark, who performed two virtuosic favorites, and an arrangement by Teddy Abrams of a beloved Kentucky anthem.
“Areas like this don’t get to see events like this very often, so it’s great,” said Daeshawn Barrett, who attended the show in Pikeville. “There’s this preconceived notion that people from smaller communities are somehow ignorant or less cultured, which isn’t true. So much culture pours out of the South, pours out of rural areas, so the Orchestra being here really reinforces that.”
The two-year tour invites Kentuckians to attend free-to-experience performances throughout Kentucky, made possible through a budget appropriation by the state legislature. Abrams said he is excited to build connections across the state through the arts.
“With the ‘In Harmony’ tour, the Louisville Orchestra becomes the only orchestra in the United States committed to traveling to every corner of its state to partner in performance with artists across our communities,” Abrams said. “There is no so-called urban-rural divide in music. Art and music transcend geographic boundaries. We couldn’t be more excited to share our treasured work with our fellow Kentuckians in their hometowns and home counties.”
The July portion of the tour will include performances in Ashland, Newport, Glasgow, Somerset and Bardstown. Free tickets for all performances are available at