Kentucky Chamber raises awareness for Fair Chance Employers

The Kentucky Chamber of Commerce Workforce Center is lessening the stress of a job search for Kentuckians in recovery or recently released from prison. The Chamber’s Who’s Hiring campaign will now identify Fair Chance Employers (also known as Second Change Employers) in its online database.

Employers who hire people in recovery or recently incarcerated are identified by location and note jobs that are available. The listing is the first of its kind in Kentucky. To date, 110 Fair Chance Employers have posted more than 1100 jobs across the state to the Chamber’s listings.

In a recent discussion on racial inequality, Chamber panelists encouraged business owners to become Fair Chance Employers. By providing good jobs with income and stability, employers help build self-esteem, self-sufficiency and independence of Kentuckians who deserve a second chance.

To identify your business as a Fair Chance Employer or to find jobs available, visit

— Rachel Nix

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