Four years ago this month, C2 Strategic Communications broke ground on a new building for our growing team of six. It was both scary and exciting to imagine the future.

In January, after outgrowing that “new” building, we moved to our new larger office at 911 Blankenbaker Parkway. Our team has now grown to 17 people, making us one of the region’s largest public relations firms according to Louisville Business First.
It’s still both scary and exciting – especially in these shifting and uncertain times.
But that’s what change is all about – a cocktail of bitter and sweet, a mixture of opportunity and obstacles, a crossroads of adventure and unknown.
I believe most humans – and particularly we Kentuckians — are conditioned to fear change. Many of us crave stability, reliability and familiarity at the same time we dream of better, stronger and faster. We want to move ahead but we don’t want to lose what we’ve got.
But it’s very difficult to stand still and not get left behind. That’s important because we are living in rapidly changing times – in technology, culture, business, politics, environment, you name it!
“Change is the only constant” – wisdom attributed to Heraclitus, an ancient Greek philosopher. So, we might as well embrace it and make it our own.
A wise mentor of mine explained it this way: There’s a reason why the windshield of a car is bigger than the rear window. It’s more important to focus on where you’ve going than where you’ve been.
Kentucky is changing. America is changing. The world is changing. There’s no “normal” that we’re going back to — only the “new normal” that’s ahead.
It’s up to us, all of us, to decide what that will be – and to get to work creating it.